
Today I would like to introduce you to a very special oil from my Voyanics series:

the marula oil from Africa!

The marula oil obtained from the seeds of the fruit has an antioxidant, moisturizing and moisture-binding effect and is therefore ideal for the care of sensitive, sensitive, dry and irritated skin. It immediately leaves skin soft to the touch. The oil also strengthens the skin's own lipid protection and is therefore also suitable for protecting the skin from environmental influences such as exhaust gases and UV rays. By reducing skin moisture loss, this oil also combats skin irritation and redness. It is also very well tolerated. A true beauty miracle weapon that also serves as a protective shield for the skin.

According to studies, marula oil, for example, has a significantly higher antioxidant content than many other oils - and is therefore ideal as an anti-aging weapon because it shields free radicals better. Together with the high vitamin C content, it also stimulates collagen formation in the skin - collagen keeps the skin elastic and therefore protects it from sagging. At the same time, cell renewal is stimulated and skin aging is prevented. The stearic and palmitic acids contained in marula oil penetrate the lower layers of the skin and make the skin more elastic. This anti-aging effect has already been proven by scientific studies.

If you want to try Marula oil, you can also mix the oil drop by drop into any care product, as an anti-aging boost, so to speak!

Antioxidants such as vitamin E protect against free radicals, prevent skin aging and also protect the hair from negative environmental influences.

Vitamin C activates the formation of collagen and smoothes the skin.


Stearic and palmitic acid ensure more skin elasticity.


Omega-3 fatty acids nourish the skin, have a moisturizing effect and protect the skin's natural protective barrier.


+ The skin does not dry out and is well moisturized.


Slightly antibacterial active ingredients tackle impurities and acne.


Marula oil is non-comedogenic, meaning it won't clog pores.


Minerals such as magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and phosphorus as trace elements protect skin and hair from harmful external influences caused by light and air particles.

For which skin types?

+ Oily and impure skin benefits from the oil's sebum-regulating properties and can become clearer and more even with regular use.

+ Dry skin is well moisturized by the marula oil and can retain moisture more easily. The skin appears fresher and more vital.

+ Sensitive and irritated skin is soothed and sustainably strengthened against irritation.

+ Mature skin enjoys protection from free radicals, which accelerate the skin aging process and can lead to wrinkles and unsightly pigmentation disorders.

How do I use marula oil?

Marula oil can be added dropwise to day or night care or applied as a thin layer to the skin as a complete care replacement.


The oil is quickly absorbed into the skin and does not leave a greasy film.


Anyone who suffers from dry skin and uses the oil before going to bed can look forward to soft, rosy skin the next morning

How is marula oil obtained?

Marula oil (INCI: Sclerocarya Birrea Seed Oil) is obtained from the seeds of the light yellow fruits of the marula tree. Marula trees are native to southern Africa.

The seed is particularly valuable because the valuable marul oil is obtained from it.

However, extracting oil is laborious manual work because the seeds have to be removed from the pulp by hand. The yellow, plum-sized drupes are surrounded by an aromatic, sweet and sour flesh that is slightly translucent. The very hard seed contains two or more kernels, some of which can contain an oil content of up to 56% oil. The female marula tree produces considerable harvests even in years with little rain, and the fruits can be harvested or rather picked up because the trees can grow relatively large. The fruits can spoil very quickly and go into fermentation. This is where the obvious aphrodisiac effect on elephants comes into play, as they like to eat the fermenting fruit and then run around as if drunk. That's why the marula tree is also called the elephant tree.

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