Skin Detox Globes

159,00 €
The Skin Detox Globes, whether cooling or warming, move gently over the facial lines, revitalizing the skin and promoting microcirculation.
alle Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand

Store the Skin Detox Globes in the fridge or, for more intense cold, in the freezer. Alternatively, the Skin Detox Globes can also be used without cooling or preheated with hot water. Massage your face gently for about 5 to 10 minutes without strong pressure. You can use the Skin Detox Globes wonderfully with cream masks or facial oils or the nectar de Nuit.After use, the globes should be cleaned under running water and then dried.


Using this treatment firms and plumps your skin, making it appear plumper and fresher. It promotes blood circulation and gives you a more even complexion. If you have a headache or sinus problems, this method can provide relief.

The special nature of gold and the holistic effect of the material:

Gold has been used for its potential health benefits for centuries. When combined with a facial massage, the material in our Skin Detox Globes offers a range of skin benefits:

The Secret of Gold:

Gold (here in the form of a gold alloy) offers your skin a wealth of benefits:

Improved Blood Circulation: As previously mentioned, gold can stimulate the veins in your skin, resulting in improved blood circulation. Good blood circulation can help remove toxins from the skin and transport essential nutrients to skin cells.

Anti-inflammatory properties: Inflammation can be considered a form of “toxicity” in the skin when it becomes chronic or occurs in response to irritants. Gold's anti-inflammatory properties could help reduce this and result in a calmer, more balanced complexion.

Antioxidant Benefits: Oxidative stress from environmental factors (such as pollution, UV rays, etc.) can "pollute" the skin with free radicals, leading to premature aging and other skin problems. Antioxidants neutralize these free radicals. Gold's antioxidant properties can help combat this form of "toxicity."

Improved Cellular Function: At a micro level, promoting efficient cellular function can be considered a form of detoxification. By ensuring that skin cells are healthy and functioning optimally (perhaps through gold's supposed cell-stimulating benefits), one could argue that the skin is better prepared to rid itself of toxins.

2 pieces in a set

As a special extra to the Skin Detox Globes, we are giving you the exclusive Fascia Relax Express course! Immerse yourself in the world of relaxation and learn how to free yourself from tension. Our course starts on October 8th. Treat yourself to the gift of radiant skin and inner peace.

No registration is necessary, you are automatically on the list and will receive the course by email!

Material: Gold alloy head and stem and frost-proof liquid inside.

*Organically grown ingredient **Natural constituents of essential oils

An Image

/ Daniela Mellis, Skincare Expertin

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Mega Tool

Toll ist, dass man sie warm und kalt benutzen kann. Sie sind sehr entspannend und es fühlt sich einfach nur gut auf Haut an.

Stefanie Deutschbein
So entspannt, so ein schönes Gefühl!

Erst wollte ich sie mir nicht kaufen, hatte ich doch den Kansa Wand. Doch dann entschloss ich mich doch und bestellte sie. Ich bereue es nicht. Eine Behandlung mit den Skin Detox Globes ist so entspannend und kühlend oder wärmend, je nach dem was man bezwecken möchte. Es fühlt sich einfach phantastisch an. Sie liegen auch so schön in der Hand und sind einfach toll anzusehen. Ein tolles Geschenk an sich selbst.

Kathleen Hulsman

Dieses Tool kann zaubern… Eine Massage damit ist wunderbar entspannend und die Haut im Anschluss beruhigt, klar und rein! Ich liebe es!!!

Eine synchrone Wohltat

Durch die synchrone Anwendung wird dieGesichtsbehandlung zu einer Wohltat und ist sehr entspannend.Die angenehme Kühle der Globes ist ein zusätzliches Benefit.

Sylvia Slavec
Simply good

Ich liebe dieses Tool weil es so viele Möglichkeiten bietet es einfach in der Handhabung ist und unheimlich entspannt 💝

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