Agate as a healing stone is said to have many positive properties. It is also an excellent protective stone and source of comfort.
The agate is said to promote more inner serenity and is THE gemstone for skin diseases or skin problems and irritations. It is even said to relieve pain. It is also often used for headaches and tension. And these are just some of the positive effects of agate.
The healing stones are created by stacking quartz layers on top of each other, which are formed by various quartz variants and inclusions such as chromium, manganese and iron. This is how a variety of stone colors, shapes and patterns develop. Every single stone is unique and the diverse colors and patterns are part of this special stone.
Material: Agate
Anwendungsvorteile: Ideal für sanfte Lymphdrainage und verbesserte Durchblutung. Die Löffelform ermöglicht eine gezielte Behandlung von Augenpartie und Nasiolabialfalten. Unterstützt die natürliche Kollagenproduktion deiner Haut. Hilft, Schwellungen und Tränensäcke zu reduzieren. Perfekt zur Entspannung verspannter Gesichts- und Nackenmuskeln.
Material: 100% natürlicher Achat
Form: Ergonomische Löffelform für präzise Anwendung
Farbe: Einzigartige Naturtöne (jeder Spoon ist ein Unikat)