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In this booklet you will find out which tasks and topics you will encounter in our course.

Expressive writing

This booklet guides you into expressive writing and gives you tips that can help you with your writing.

Coaching styles

Daniela and Katharina give you an overview of the different coaching styles.

Module 1: Who am I?

The workbook for the first module of our master class. True to the name, who am I, we dedicate ourselves to ourselves.

Worksheet: Who am I?

Here you can find the worksheet with the questions for Module 1.

Module 2: Apprenticeship years

The second module is about our academic and professional development over the years.

Worksheet: years of apprenticeship

Here you can find the worksheet with the questions for Module 2.

Module 3: Professional life

In Module 3 we look at ourselves in our professional world.

Worksheet: Professional life

Here you can find the worksheet with the questions for Module 3.

Module 4: Family History

In this module, Daniela and Katharina focus on family history.

Worksheet: Family History

You can find the worksheet for Module 4 here.

Module 5: Family Roles

This module is about different family roles that develop over the course of life.

Worksheet: Module 5

Here you can find the worksheet for Module 5.

Module 6: Gratitude

Daniela and Katharina explain what gratitude looks like and how it can be integrated into everyday life.

Worksheet: Gratitude

Here you can find the worksheet for Module 6: Gratitude.

Module 7: Inner attitude

In this lesson we'll talk about how our inner attitude can influence our lives

Worksheet: Inner Attitude

Here you can find the worksheet for Module 7

Module 8: Relationships

This module is about relationships and the different forms of interpersonal relationships.

Worksheet: Relationships

Here you will find the relevant questions for Module 8

Modul 9: Freundschaften

Im neunten Modul steht die wertvolle Thematik von Freundschaften im Mittelpunkt.

Worksheet: Freundschaften

Hier findet ihr das passende Worksheet zu Modul 9: Freundschaften