Throat chakra essence

44,90 €
Discover our Throat Chakra Oil, connected to the element Ether and representing your creative identity. It promotes communication, self-determination and truth-telling while serving as a form of expression of creative abilities.
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Spray the spray onto the respective chakra from a distance of around 30cm or use it as a body environment/aura spray. To strengthen yourself from the inside out, add a few sprays to a glass of water and drink.

The throat chakra is connected to the element ether and represents our creative and creative identity. It serves as a center for communication, inspiration, self-determination, independence and truth-finding. It is the expression of the human ability to express oneself.

Its color is turquoise. The Throat Chakra aims to refine our vibration and cleanse us of negative energies in order to access the higher chakras. It acts as a connection between body and mind. In order to bring body and mind into balance, it is necessary to cleanse yourself of toxic objects, situations and possibly people.

50ml in spray form

Cornflower hydrolate, marigold essence, apple flower essence, borage, forget-me-not*

*Organically grown ingredient **Natural constituents of essential oils

An Image

/ Daniela Mellis, Skincare Expertin

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