Have you ever wondered, "Are my hormones out of balance?" and “Where should I start?” I hear these questions all the time. My advice: Let's start by identifying the possible hormonal imbalance you may have.
As a health coach, I regularly come across these imbalances:
  • High or low cortisol levels
  • High or low estrogen levels
  • Low progesterone levels
  • Low thyroid function
  • High androgens (PCOS)
Beyond testing, symptoms offer valuable insight into your overall well-being.

This is how you take the test:
  1. Take a pen and maybe print out the quiz. Otherwise, you can also mark the hooks on a piece of paper.
  2. For each category of hormonal imbalance you will find a list of symptoms. Review these symptoms and put a checkmark (✓) next to any you are currently experiencing. You can mark as many symptoms as apply to you.
  3. After checking the symptoms, add up the number of checkmarks for each category. The goal is to find out which category has the highest number of flagged symptoms.
The category with the highest number of symptoms flagged could indicate a possible hormonal imbalance you may be experiencing.
(Remember that this test is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice)

High cortisol levels:

☐ Anxiety or a “psyched up” feeling

☐ Difficulty falling asleep due to racing thoughts

☐ Sudden mood swings or irritability

☐ A feeling of fear or nervousness

☐ High blood sugar levels

☐ Digestive problems, ulcers or heartburn (GERD)

Low cortisol levels:

☐ Tiredness, especially in the morning

☐ Feeling overwhelmed easily

☐ Craving salty foods

☐ Dizziness when standing up

☐ Low blood sugar levels

☐ Difficulty concentrating or “mind fog”

High estrogen levels:

☐ Bloating or breast tenderness before your period

☐ Weight gain, especially around the hips and thighs

☐ Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding

☐ Mood swings or irritability

☐ Fatigue or low energy

☐ Headache or migraine

Low estrogen levels:

☐ Irregular menstrual cycles or missed periods

☐ Vaginal dryness or discomfort during sexual intercourse

☐ Mood swings, anxiety or depression

☐ Hot flashes or night sweats

☐ Memory problems or difficulty concentrating

☐ Joint pain or stiffness

Low progesterone levels:

☐ Mood swings, irritability or anxiety

☐ Changed sleep pattern, difficulty staying asleep

☐ Breast tenderness

☐ PMS symptoms such as bloating or cravings

☐ Spotting 2 or more days before the start of the period

☐ Feeling overwhelmed or stressed

Low thyroid function:

☐ Tiredness, even after sufficient sleep

☐ Weight gain or difficulty losing weight

☐ Sensitivity to cold, especially in the extremities

☐ Thinning hair or dry, brittle hair

☐ Constipation or sluggish digestion

☐ Foggy thinking or poor concentration

High androgen levels:

☐ Skin blemishes or acne, especially along the jawline and chin

☐ Increased facial or body hair growth

☐ Thinning hair, especially on the crown

☐ Mood swings or irritability

☐ Long menstrual cycles that occur more than every 35 days

☐ Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Interpretation of the test:

The category with the highest score could indicate the possible hormonal imbalance affecting you.

Could you have more than one hormonal imbalance? Absolutely! In fact, this happens more often than you think. Hormones do not exist in a vacuum. Our endocrine system is interconnected. So if there is an imbalance in one area, it is entirely possible to experience imbalances in other areas as well.

And now?

Visit to the doctor, hormone test?
Or maybe first learn to understand your own body comprehensively and try out alternative methods?

WOMAN IN BALANCE is my course on exactly this topic. And it's about much more than just our hormones and symptoms.

You can currently book the course in the pre-sale for 79 instead of 199 euros!

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